Replica Clothing Supplier , Dealers, Wholesalers & Exporters in Pakistan

Everybody knows how much women are conscious when it comes to clothing. Though there are many locally and internationally recognized brands and designers in Pakistan, but not everyone can afford their prices. The problem occurs when women want to buy the same designing and same cloth they come to see on different brands outlets, but cannot meet their prices. Thus, to overcome these pricing issues, same design cloths are offered in market that are cheaper than the original one, almost up to half of their actual prices.

Our aim is to excel in the world of replica clothing and become the best Replica Clothing Supplier in Pakistan, when there are too many to choose from. Our customer service team.

In search of the best Replica Clothing Supplier in Pakistan when there are too many in the race and you get confused which one to choose?

s highly active and is available 24/7 to entertain your queries. You need not worry about the quantity or quality of dresses. Just tell us your requirements and let us transform your dream design into reality.

 Need of Replica dresses in Clothing

Now-a-days, trend of replica clothing is quite in in Pakistan, and people are rushing towards replica clothing suppliers that provide not only the design similar to the original one, but also at affordable prices. Not only women, but men can also buy replica clothes to meet their demands and requirements in dressing.

No doubt it is out of range for many people to buy expensive designer suits but these suits are so much attractive and beautiful that it is sometimes very difficult to stop oneself to buy it. Customers want to buy more and more suits but are bound to limit. This is the reason nowadays replicas are in great demand. Not all the suppliers are in a position to promise for same great quality of fabric, material & embroidery, commonly known as First Copy. It is so excellent that sometimes it is difficult to detect which one is original and which one is replica.

We supply the first copy replicas and make it difficult to distinguish it from the original one!

When there are so many replica clothing suppliers, you have no idea which one provides the best. So, if you are looking for a top quality, reasonably priced and excellent reproduction of original Pakistani designer suits, you need to look no further! You are definitely at the right place!

Why choose us

We are the reliable suppliers of replica designer suits in Pakistan with years of experience in selling high quality replica designer clothing. No matter which brand you want to wear, we can provide you with all the replica clothing of top brands of Pakistan. We have an abundant number of collection featuring famous designer of Pakistan including AsimJofa, MariaB., Nishat, Khaadi, Firdous, J.J, Gull Ahmad, Sana Safinaz, Threadz, Motifz, Shaista, Al Karam, Charizma, Serene, Cresent, Shariq Deba, Inzik, Tena Durani, Sahil and Mausummery. We have replica of almost all top designer dresses of Pakistan.

Due to the overwhelming demand and response of replicas in market, we feel privileged to add it in our range of collection and after you get your order, you yourself will see that the reason of its huge demand really deserves. We are also specialized in manufacturing and supplying export standard Party wear and Bridal wear replicas in Pure Chiffon, Georgette, Silk and Pure Jamawar in both stitched and unstitched form. Our range of fashion design covers Bridal Dresses, Casual Dresses, Semi Formals, Heavy Formals & Party Dresses for all occasions.

We have professional experts holding years of experience in handwork, stitching and embroidery, and can make all type of dresses no matter what the design is!

Even if you want Shararas & Ghararas for work in Hand Embroidery, Appliques, Sequins, Kora, Dubka, Zardosi, Stones, Zircon, Pearls, Beads, Moti, Cutdana or whatever detailing you want to be copied from the original one, we can provide to you within no time!

How our Replica Clothing is different

Specialty of dresses provided by us is that:

  • absolute equal number of threads and colors are used in embroidery designs to make identical designs as of original designer suits.
  • Colors are close matched with original designer suit.
  • Final dress color is not less than 95% match with designer’s original suit.
  • Fine quality cotton lawn is used in making these no.1 replica suits.
  • We offer awesome and affordable prices in the market for wholesale dealers, boutique owners and distributors.
  • We sell both stitched and non-stitched suits.
  • We have latest jokey machines for stitching and experienced tailors.

Our Professionalism

If you are interested in expanding your business with these varieties, please let us know your requirements so that we may share with you and send you more details and our pricing. We are sure that you will get very good results and response from your customers.

We are also ready to supply you smaller quantities by post of any number of pieces just for you to test and try your market. Later on, you can let us have your order on the basis of which your customer liked and appreciated the most. Our intention behind it is to start long term business with you, built on trust and on regular basis.

So far, the most prestigious thing we have gained is loyalty, support and satisfaction of our customers. We try our best to provide you with the same dress that you want, and even if it doesn’t come up to your expectations, we can provide you with unlimited revisions of the same dress, until it becomes the same you longed for!

Therefore, if you want to buy any kind of replica dress, no matter which brand it belongs to, just get in touch with us by simply picking up your phone and giving us a call or message on our whatsapp number or sending us an email us at: or call us Whatsapp Now +923214156036